Christmas Eve began with a candlelight early service at church then moved to an early present opening to provide Snuggies for the Momma and Teenage bears....

...and the next day Christmas proper: The Inlaws and us, dog included. No that is my son...not the dog. It is easy to tell them apart...the dog's room is neater.

Here, Moots, the everlasting gobstopper of a dog, goes dumpster diving for his Christmas day treats.

Christmas Cinema Trivia: Can you tell what movie is playing from the scene on the TV?
The next day was a quick ride with some of the group. In this pic, Ed the Tall is astride the Epic Marathon.

I am sporting some new Gargoyles sunglasses that I am reviewing.

In this group pic, JeffJ is demonstrating a technique that is not often seen. In order to tell if the tire on that bike has hit it's expiration date, he smells the tire for freshness. Not everyone can do that, ya know and I know how he does it.

Here is a close up.

To understand how JeffJ can do this, I caught him napping later in the day and shot a pic of his olfactory factory. I think this explains the mystery.

The next day I tried on a new lady friend for size. Say hello to Selma. Related to the Mamasita, this close cousin is a single girl, light on her feet, pretty fast and gorgeous to look at.

Monday means back to a short work week and there are plans for a New Years Day ride. Ya' gotta love the holidays.